Equipment types present in the Expert system database
The Expert System for equipment selection and elimination has the following
equipment types for particle size analysis:
- Electric sensing zone
- Tunable Resistance Pulse Sensing
- Iamge analysis static (microscope)
- Image analysis static (SEM/TEM)
- Image analysis dynamic
- Laser diffraction
- Laser obscuartion
- Laser obscuration plus image analysis
- Sieving
- Dynamic light scattering/Photon Correlation Spectroscopy
- Sedimentation
- Sedimenting centrifuge
- Focussed Beam Reflectance Method (FBRM)
- Laser light tracking NTA
- Hydrodynamic chromatography
- Hydrodynamic fractionation
- Aerodynamic particle sizing
- Air cyclones
- Cascade i9mpaction
- Acoustic spectroscopy
- Ultrasonic spectroscopy
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